Search: feminism

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Girl, Woman, Other | Intersectional feminism in modern Britain

Girl, Woman, Other | Intersectional feminism in modern Britain

Girl, Woman, Other by Evaristo narrates the chronicles of twelve black women, pioneers of intersectional feminism, living in modern Britain.

The House of the Spirits | From a letter to Magical feminism

The House of the Spirits | From a letter to Magical feminism

Isabel Allende is a Chilean writer who, born in 1942, has been described as one of the world’s most-read authors in Spanish. She started to write The House of the…

Girl, Woman, Other | Intersectional feminism in modern Britain

06 July, 2021

Girl, Woman, Other | Intersectional feminism in modern Britain

Girl, Woman, Other by Evaristo narrates the chronicles of twelve black women, pioneers of intersectional feminism, living in modern Britain.

The House of the Spirits | From a letter to Magical feminism

27 April, 2021

The House of the Spirits | From a letter to Magical feminism

Isabel Allende is a Chilean writer who, born in 1942, has been described as one of the world’s most-read authors in Spanish. She started to write The House of the…

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