Hypercritic | A boost of creativity for companies
Hypercritic is part of the Italian start-up RAMPART s.r.l, based in Turin, Italy, and can provide organizations, public institutions, and companies with the expertise of dozens of professionals specialized in different artistic disciplines and cultural fields. Hypercritic can connect your company with the values of the world’s cultural heritage by offering a range of opportunities.
It is based upon a website and digital platform made up of reviews, articles, exhibitions, videos and photographs of every form of artistic expression from books to films, from music to sculpture and video games to comics. It is written and presented by a varied, idiosyncratic and talented group of people who know how to share their knowledge, expertise and talent in any format required.
Several goals, the same solution
If you are a company executive, book a strategic consultation with Hypercritic to assess how to associate your company’s values with the extraordinary potential of the world’s cultural heritage. We can create ad hoc itineraries such as Red as an endless ocean, linking the core values of your company to music, art, literature, and all the subject areas touched by our website. We can design your corporate magazine or newsletter together, enriching it with cultural contents that will help you reach new audiences. Finally, we can provide your employees and collaborators with the unique experience of Hypercritic storytelling classes or team building.
If you are a Museums director, do as the Musée Carnavalet in Paris did to honor the 100th anniversary of Marcel Prousts’ death and join with us to create original and compelling contents, such as Proust 100 | A Symphony of Memory.
If you are a Festival director, check out some of Hypercritic’s events coverage, or book us to organize a live event.
If you work in the public sector, contact us to explore the opportunities for entertainment, cultural engagement, knowledge, and enhancing community spirit that Hypercritic can provide by activating its international team of creative staff and performers.

Live events
Since 2020, Hypercritic has organized cultural events involving tens of thousands of people online and offline. We have specialized in hybrid events, mixing the digital space with live events. This has helped broaden our international audience and at the same time create a sense of community around cultural values.
The Hypercritic Poethon
This is our signature event: started in March 2021, online-only, it is a celebration of poetry and its universal communicative power. In subsequent editions, the event increased its dimension in presence until, in 2023, it became a true poetry festival, sweeping across the city of Turin, its museums, gardens, churches, squares, and transport network for a week.
88 Poets to Change the World
Hypercritic celebrated World Poetry Day, on March 21, 2021, with a reading marathon from the works of 88 women poets, from both past and present. We also asked our readers to share a heartfelt poem, in the form of a reading, gathering hundreds of videos from 40 nations, in 28 languages.

The sound of poetry – Against war
In 2022, we organized the event in partnership with the philosophers’ duo Tlon (Maura Giancitano and Andrea Colamedici) and Scuola Holden, with a week-long reading marathon dedicated to the most popular poetic form, the song.
Poetry, the place to be
On its third occasion, the event turned into a full poetry festival with 11 live events from March 21st to the 27th in Turin, besides our reading marathon on social media. We gathered a network of strategic partnerships around the project, including Gallerie d’Italia, Scuola Holden, the public transport agency GTT, Fondazione per l’architettura / Torino, laFeltrinelli, Centro nazionale Studi leopardiani. We were able to bring poetry to some of the most charming places of the city, such as the blooming Orto Botanico and the baroque triumph of Cappella dei Mercanti in Turin.

Hypercritic managed to bring together a host of individuals to bear witness to the value of poetry: among them, authors Roberto Saviano, Nicola Lagioia, Giulia Caminito, Alessandro Baricco, Antonella Lattanzi, Emiliano Poddi, Margherita Oggero, the mathematician Piergiorgio Odifreddi, the director of the Egyptian Museum Christian Greco, the cellist Mario Brunello, the Olympic champion Tania Cagnotto, and the comedy actress Luciana Littizzetto.
Hypercritic Microfestival
In 2022, Hypercritic came up with another format that proved to be popular. During the days of the International Book Fair in Turin, the digital platform created the world’s smallest cultural festival, set in the evocative setting of a courtyard of a typical Torinese house.
Here, Hypercritic offered four evenings around the Fair’s main theme: On the Paths of the Wild Hearts. From the Club of 27 to Roberto Bolaño, from The Silence of the Lambs to Beethoven’s music, from Artemisia Gentileschi to Beppe Fenoglio, Hypercritic presented four itineraries to the public, at the intersection of literature, cinema, music, art, and poetry.
Creative consultancy and employee training
The Hypercritic method can be made available to your company and organization to bring it closer to the heritage and values of world culture. An experience that our team has already successfully applied in the Fondazione CRT team building in Italy. On that occasion, participants applied the analysis of key parameters of TV series and cinema to the field of fundraising to create engaging and original storytelling.
Hypercritic has trainers with many years of experience on its staff. In particular:
- Alessandro Avataneo, the founder, has been teaching storytelling at Scuola Holden in Turin for over a decade, a subject he has taught in Italy and abroad in various multinational companies.
- Giulia Avataneo, editor-in-chief, taught journalism for four years at the Giorgio Bocca Master’s degree course at the University of Turin.
- Clara Gastaldi, deputy director, is a lecturer, event designer, and project manager who collaborates with the CasaOz NGO, Slow Food, University of Gastronomic Sciences, ITS Turismo Marche, Gambero Rosso, and TorinoFilmLab.
In addition, Hypercritic designed a Hypergraph to be made available to companies for self-assessment against the 17 United Nations Universal Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Through this straightforward and easy-to-understand tool, companies can check in which area they are proving most successful and those areas that need improvement.